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Still looking to learn more about White racial socialization? Check out these resources that we think offer additional perspective on the topic. 

1. NPR- 20 minute podcast

This 20 minute podcast, entitled “Talking with young children about race,” provides valuable advice for parents teaching their children about race. This resource attempts to combat color-blind racial socialization techniques that parents commonly employ, such as advising their children not to notice race, and instead provides examples of ways to engage in color-conscious racial socialization with their children. This site additionally provides a list of even more resources to guide race- related conversations with young children.

2. Washington Post- “They were raised to be ‘colorblind’ — but now more White parents are learning to talk about race”

This article gets to the heart of the generational differences between the ways that race has been taught (or not taught) to previous generations of children in the United States, providing research demonstrating why color-conscious racial socialization is important for White parents to engage in.

3. “100 race-conscious things you can say to your child to advance racial justice”

This article provides templates that parents can use to scaffold race- related conversations with their children. This provides ways to teach children about race in a color-conscious manner, as well as ways for children to learn how to identity racism correctly in their environment.

4. Youtube- Do all White people think about the same about race?

This video asks a group of White people whether they agree or disagree, and to what degree, with a collection of statements about race. The White people interviewed are then asked to explain the rationale behind their decisions. The common theme that emerges throughout the video is that not all White people think the same about race, and in fact in response to many questions, this specific group of White individuals hold very polarized views on race.

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